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SoloScaleAI #1 Starting

It’s April 17th, 2023. And my head is on fire with all the potential that these new AI tools have for individuals. There’s before GhatGPT and after ChatGPT. So what I want to do is kind of just brain dump. I’ve been collecting things and learning things and experimenting with stuff. And trying to massage this idea in my head. So there’s probably gonna be a few sections to this. This first one’s gonna focus on newsletters and this thing I’m doing.

The goal here is to focus on what one individual can do using AI. like the, the phrase One Click Enterprise. I think that that’s what we’re gonna get to. We have years to go; a lot of development, but I think this is gonna be one of those changes that happens way, way faster than anybody expects it to – starting now.

ChatGPT was the fastest app in history to get to a hundred million users. This intelligence stuff is going to be added to everything. It won’t be the number one feature of a lot of things. But it will get added to everything and it will enable some things that couldn’t have been in existence without the intelligence feature. Like adding engines to wagons first gave you a wagon that moved without human or animal power. The technology was clunky at first, but since it was more scalable, it was improved and added to everything.


There’s something about the typical way they work that just rubs me the wrong way. They prioritize speed and and frequency. Like, “we wanna pump something out.” Some of these guys publish every day or every two days. It’s a lot of “Hey, Elon Musk made” takes up space in it. And.” I guess for absolute broadest reach that makes sense.

But I want to zero in on a specific topic. I want to actually do some experiments and get something actionable out to solopreneurs. Not just let you know that something exists.

Biz of 1

Everybody’s going to become a business of one. You’re just going to have to be a business. There’s not going to be any way around it. SoloScaleAI is focused on how do you get there? How do you make use of the tools now? What are the missing pieces? How soon is it coming? I think that power is available now and that 99% of people don’t realize what they could do now today. What about tomorrow? What about in six months?

This is an explosion. It’s gonna be like, “go!” and then the robots are gonna take care of everything.

In a couple years, you’re going to be able to have individuals spin up an operation that will rival enterprises. There’s going to be so many. You’re going to be able to do so much more all by yourself. Just one person will do so much.

1 person $100M

I’m trying to figure out the milestone. When can one person run a $100 million enterprise? That’s what I want to figure out with this with this SoloScale to the One Click Enterprise idea. I want to learn about it and experiment and and meet all the right people and basical. figure that out. Stuff’s gonna get weird. That’s gonna get super weird.

GPT to ChatGPT to Agents

LLMs and GPTs arriving at the app ChatGPT are the spark. Even with new tools on top of ChatGPT I still find it’s the fastest and most accurate. The experiments with AI Agents are super exciting.

Large language models are going to change the abstraction level of using computers. The large language models are close enough to understanding how humans talk that they can take your normal human speaking in natural language and turn it into something else. They can take human speak and turn it into code. And then they can also go back the other way. They can take something like code and turn it into normal human speak.

It means that to tell a computer what to do, you don’t have to learn a special language anymore. Just a natural language will be enough. It’s just crazy. I’m gonna dive into more of

Future Topics

I’ll be focusing in on things like creative and branding because one of the first things we have to do to start something new is answer the question: What does it look like? Where are you gonna put it? You need some consistency and some sort of structure to it.

To get SoloScaleAI started I had to leverage a lot of skills I had learned over years, like how to use Inkscape manually and which website to go to to solve a problem and how to troubleshoot WordPress. That’s all going to disappear. It took me 10 hours or so to iterate on this. Going back and forth between five tools at the same time. I needed to see what something looked like, realized, oh, that website doesn’t display it the way I thought it would, so I need to go tweak the asset so that it displays correctly. That kind of iteration is going to be fast. With AI we can probably get that down to one day.

I’m looking forward to diving deeper into building things. I’ve generated some code and I’ll do more.

The really exciting thing is automated AI Agents. The ones where you give it a job and it goes off and does the job. The large language models are good enough at kind understanding they can break down a big idea into more specific pieces or the opposite, take specific ideas and make them more general. That’s something that was always missing; the different levels of abstraction.

What’s always slowed things down is an individual only has so much attention to give to something. So with this AI stuff, you’ll be able to give your attention to something and not have it stop as soon as your human attention is is gone. Today they’re the worst they’ll ever be and they can sometimes get a little project done on their own. One of the best parts is they have a lot of knowledge associated together so the AI agents will be like “did you consider, K”? And you go “huh, I had not, but let’s also do K.”

So much more to follow. If you want these topics dropped into your inbox with no extra work on your part, join my newsletter.

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